Local Liberal Democrat Campaigns
Local Liberal Democrats undertake campaigns within the community to elect responsible and competent councillors into local government.
The local Party is presently led by Melton councillor and retired solicitor Jim Adcock and assisted by Hamish McAuley.
The phrase we hear everyday is “Britain is broken, nothing works”. Our wonderful NHS has been brought to its knees. Waiting lists are millions long. NHS Dentists are as rare as unicorns. The mental health system has collapsed. Schools have had maintenance delayed and deferred to the point they are falling down. There’s a lack of specialist teachers. The care system is a catastrophe. Youth services have gone. The court system is in crisis. What better metaphor for the Tories than them allowing rip off water companies to pump millions of gallons of “slurry” into our seas and rivers. Need we go on? Because the litany of Tory failure is endless.
Add to the failure, the undoubted corruption and incompetence. The endless succession of failed Prime Ministers and second or third rate ministers. Cronies, donors, family and friends ennobled. Tory MPs’ influence peddling, graft and backhanders. There’s a reason so many have been thrown out of Parliament.
Never forget Brexit, the national disgrace and economic harm that that Tory folly continues to inflict on us all.
Meanwhile we are facing an existential threat from climate change. Under pressure from right wing think tanks and loony backbenchers the government is reneging on commitments and failing to deliver the policies we need to protect ourselves and the planet.
Never has a Government needed sacking more!!
The good news is we get a chance to boot them out in 2024. As the sweeping victories in by- and local elections show, the Lib Dems are on a roll and ready to beat the Tories.
But we need your help. Our local party needs to fund our contribution to the General Election campaign. Can you help? Can you give a donation, perhaps a one off sum, or even a regular monthly contribution.
we are sure a lot of your friends, family and contacts share the feeling that “Britain is broken”. If you think any of them might be interested in supporting us - financially or in terms of time - please let us know. We will be happy to meet with them and explain how we can collectively make a difference.