Breaking Britain returns, this time it’s the schools
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Lib Dems condemn “chaotic and incompetent” budget
The sheer quantity of raw sewage being dumped into Britain’s rivers and coastal areas is a scandal and a disgrace.
Anne Lee said "The SEERA meeting, at the H G Wells Centre in Woking on 29th November, brought home to us how unaccountable this Quango is. It is a half-baked idea of devolution. Votes are cast by vested interests (eg the CBI and the National Housing Federation) and various county councillors. It is chaired by a Conservative County Councillor.
Liberal Democrat Councillors on Surrey County Council have criticised the Conservative administration for seeking to put all the blame for a potentially high Council Tax for next year on the government, without recognising that it has had opportunities over many years to review how the budget is spent.
Liberal Democrats criticised the Conservative administration's policy on waste in Surrey at a recent County Council meeting. Councillor Tom Sharp, Lib Dem Spokesman on the Environment said, "The Conservative administration is placing too much emphasis on incineration as a way of dealing with Surrey's waste."
Hythe Lib Dems have today slammed the Conservatives for "scaremongering nonsense" over the new Sports Centre for Hythe.
The Liberal Democrats have published their programme for the next parliamentary session, setting out their clear alternatives to the other two main parties. Their candidate for West Chelmsford, Stephen Robinson, this week set out the different policies they would have written into the Queen's Speech at Tuesday's State Opening of Parliament.
Southampton Liberal Democrats have selected David Goodall to fight the Southampton Itchen seat and Steve Sollitt for the Southampton Test seat at the General Election, expected in May. The Liberal Democrats are the up and coming party in Southampton and since the last general election have become the largest political group on Southampton City Council.