Breaking Britain returns, this time it’s the schools
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Lib Dems condemn “chaotic and incompetent” budget
The sheer quantity of raw sewage being dumped into Britain’s rivers and coastal areas is a scandal and a disgrace.
Bedford's Liberal Democrats are disappointed and saddened by Labour's "cynical abuse of Door to Door" in their attempt to re-write history. "I don't know which I am more angry about," said Liberal Democrat Leader Michael Headley. "Labour's ludicrous attempt to re-write history or their continued cynical abuse of Door to Door." "Door to Door are far too valuable to this borough to be kicked around like this." Said Michael Headley. "Labour chose to play political games with Door to Door when they tore away their funding. Now they are rubbing salt into the wounds by dragging it up again. And of course now they are trying to re-write the history books and claim credit for saving Door to Door when it was they who were its greatest persecutors." "They seem to think that the people of Bedford have short memories." Continued Cllr Headley. "They want us to thank them for their generosity in removing Door to Door's long term funding and replacing it with a one off hand out. Cllr Hunt has confirmed that the Labour group
Bedford Borough's Liberal Democrats are not prepared to ignore the risks as new fears are raised linking cancer to overhead power cables.
Commenting on the closure of the Town Centre Sainsbury's Lib Dem Parliamentary Spokesman for Bedford Michael Headley, has condemned Sainsbury's move and said;
Local Liberal Democrats issued their Budget plans for the Borough Council Today. They plan to spend less on the Councillors and more on the Council-Tax Payers.
Michael Headley successfully called on Liberal Democrats throughout the region to support Bedfordshire's Police Force. Michael Headley was addressing the Police debate at the Liberal Democrats Regional Conference on Saturday in St Albans.
Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats are continuing their fight to get abandoned cars off the borough's streets.