Breaking Britain returns, this time it’s the schools
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Lib Dems condemn “chaotic and incompetent” budget
The sheer quantity of raw sewage being dumped into Britain’s rivers and coastal areas is a scandal and a disgrace.
Commenting on the closure of the Town Centre Sainsbury's Lib Dem Parliamentary Spokesman for Bedford Michael Headley, has condemned Sainsbury's move and said;
Local Liberal Democrats issued their Budget plans for the Borough Council Today. They plan to spend less on the Councillors and more on the Council-Tax Payers.
Michael Headley successfully called on Liberal Democrats throughout the region to support Bedfordshire's Police Force. Michael Headley was addressing the Police debate at the Liberal Democrats Regional Conference on Saturday in St Albans.
Bedford Borough Liberal Democrats are continuing their fight to get abandoned cars off the borough's streets.
Last night's executive Committee Meeting of Bedford Borough Council refused the Liberal Democrat Group's last ditch attempt to save the funding for the Door to Door service. "This is a hammer blow to the people who rely on Door to Door." Said Liberal Democrat Leader Michael Headley. "Last year alone Door to Door carried nearly 30,000 passengers. Without the borough grant the future of the service is in doubt. Door to Door will not be able to plan ahead because they can no longer rely on any funding from the borough council." The decision to force Door to Door to join the struggle to try to grab some of the, already oversubscribed, One -Off money was made despite the fact that last year the Borough guaranteed to give them a minimum grant of £27,000. "Passing the buck to the County council is little more than a smoke screen. I am shocked at the way the Labour group so carelessly threw away this valuable service." The Labour group tried to justify their decision to remove Door to Door's funding by saying that it
New proposals are being put forward to have an American-style Mayor for Bedford. However, the Bedford Liberal Democrats Party believe there is a hidden danger. An American style mayor system of government would: