Breaking Britain returns, this time it’s the schools
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Lib Dems condemn “chaotic and incompetent” budget
The sheer quantity of raw sewage being dumped into Britain’s rivers and coastal areas is a scandal and a disgrace.
"The Adult and Community Care Committee kept hearing about poor service caused by staffing problems," County Councillor Diana Smith explained. "So it set up a task group to look at Recruitment and Retention. Proper statistics were hard to come by. We eventually got figures for the reported high vacancy rates in 'front line' teams, from 18% among the essential Home Based Care staff to 31% of highly-skilled Occupational Therapists. We heard of one team of Occupational Therapists entirely consisting of stand-ins. Looked at in purely economic terms, terms the Conservative Executive understands, we found under-staffing led to a big bill for agency staff, over 40% of Surrey's total. The costs in human terms are don't get counted, but they include de facto rationing of care for the people who need it, lack of continuity of care, and stress for staff. Sickness rates are higher among Adults and Community Care staff than in any other Surrey service."
A ST Margaret's Hospital worker has spoken out against bus service cutbacks which leave him with a three-mile trek home after work.
Scepticism, bureaucrats, a proposed Constitution, not to mention bendy cucumbers, are all associated with the European Union.
The go-ahead has been given for the redevelopment of the former Langston Road lorry park, Loughton, despite pleas that it will have an adverse effect on local wildlife.
A new independent opinion poll of marginal constituencies, including Mid Sussex, shows Liberal Democrats in a narrow lead over the Conservatives.
Local Conservative MP, Eleanor Laing, is under fire from the Liberal Democrats for opposing in Parliament important measures to help councils protect the local environment.