Breaking Britain returns, this time it’s the schools
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Lib Dems condemn “chaotic and incompetent” budget
The sheer quantity of raw sewage being dumped into Britain’s rivers and coastal areas is a scandal and a disgrace.
Prospective Parliamentary Candidate, Local Resident and Clewer South Councillor, Antony Wood, was in Ascot again last Thursday, helping out at The Chandler Centre. The centre, run by Heather Hogben, provides a social forum and care services for the elderly.
Mark Oaten MP, Liberal Democrat Shadow Home Secretary, yesterday pledged to put more police on the streets of Britain and to cut the amount of time officers spend filling in forms. This would equate to 50 extra police for Wolverhampton.
The Liberal Democrats have just launched their Older Peoples Mini-Manifesto by setting out the various ways they intend to help pensioners across the country.
Over 650 residents have petitioned in support of the proposal that Epsom & Ewell should become a Fairtrade town. The Epsom and Ewell Fairtrade Forum set up by Councillor Jonathan Lees is actively working towards obtaining this status for the Borough. A "Fairtrade Town" can include any community that has made a commitment to supporting Fair Trade, consequently supporting disadvantaged farmers and workers in developing countries. There are now over 100 Fairtrade Towns in the U.K. The Epsom and Ewell Fairtrade Forum represents all those residents who would like to join them in meeting a few achievable targets.
New figures released by the Liberal Democrats show that since 1997 over 20,000 specialist shops including bakeries, butchers and corner shops have closed, at an estimated rate of around 50 per week.
The Liberal Democrats have today launch their new plans to cut unfair health charges - including providing free eye and dental checks, and conducting a thorough independent review of the prescription charge regime. The announcement is part of the Liberal Democrats' comprehensive health policy package aimed at delivering a quality health service close to home by freeing front-line staff from Government meddling.