Breaking Britain returns, this time it’s the schools
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Lib Dems condemn “chaotic and incompetent” budget
The sheer quantity of raw sewage being dumped into Britain’s rivers and coastal areas is a scandal and a disgrace.
See the website below for the talk by Richard Heinberg at the Soil Association's annual Eve Balfour Lecture on 22 November 2007 discussing the impact that oil peaking will have on food production and action that we need to take.
The long-running saga of the proposed supermarket in the Upper High Street appears to be drawing to a close. Until this week the appeal by the developers against the council's refusal of planning permission was expected to be heard in February. However they have apparently decided to withdraw their appeal.
We cannot put Yellow Pages and Tetra Paks out for the weekly recycling in Chelmsford but they can be taken in for recycling at the following locations:
In a column in the Daily Telegraph, Conservative commentator Iain Dale has backed the Lib Dem call for a referendum on continued EU membership.
James Gardner has pledged to stand up for Old Moulsham and the town centre if elected as the local councillor in the 14th December by-election. James is the ONLY candidate standing who lives in the area (and he works there too).
Prime Minister Gordon Brown has treated the armed services with "contempt" and "disinterest", a former chief of the defence staff has told a Lords debate. Admiral Lord Boyce said the decision to give one person - Des Browne - the jobs of both defence and Scottish secretary was an "insult" at a time of war. The attack comes on the day new figures show manning levels in the army continue to fall.