Breaking Britain returns, this time it’s the schools
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Lib Dems condemn “chaotic and incompetent” budget
The sheer quantity of raw sewage being dumped into Britain’s rivers and coastal areas is a scandal and a disgrace.
The Conservative masters of spin are hard at work as they do their best to convince us of their latest cunning plan. One minute they are telling us what a great job Brentwood Borough Council is doing providing local services. Next minute they are announcing that the Borough Council is going into a joint partnership with Essex County Council to provide a one stop shop for local services. They follow this up with the news that we are going to have one Chief Executive running both authorities, who just happens to be the County's Chief Executive.
Cllr David Kendall, leader of the Liberal Democrat group on Brentwood Borough council, has asked for the following motion to be put forward at the special council meeting on 11th September 2007:
Liberal Democrats at Essex County Council are demanding that the Chinese government is pressured over the lack of media freedom currently allowed in China and it also has concerns about the 30,000 foreign journalists who will be in China to report on the 2008 Beijing Olympics. The group is urging the county's administration to use its links with Jiangsu Province in China to press for increased freedom of expression in the Chinese media.
Sir Menzies Campbell, has repeated his call for a live TV debate between party leaders. The Lib Dem leader said he could 'not wait to debate against Gordon Brown', adding that David Cameron was a 'Johnny-come-lately on this issue', following his recent call for party leaders to lock horns. At a press conference on Tuesday, Mr Brown was repeatedly asked whether he would take part in a debate - in an effort to boost voters' interest. He said there were opportunities to quiz him at prime minister's questions.
Revisions and further information for the development of Nickolls Quarry site at Hythe have been submitted to Shepway District Council.
Local MP Tim Farron has reacted to the publication of Network Rail's internal report into the Grayrigg train accident with a renewed call for a public inquiry into the incidents at Grayrigg and at Potters Bar in Hertfordshire. The Network Rail report confirms that the accident was caused by the deterioration of the points at Grayrigg - a deterioration which had not been spotted because of a breakdown in the inspection regime together with issues with engineers getting access to the tracks to inspect them after Virgin's tilting trains were introduced to the West Coast Main Line.