Breaking Britain returns, this time it’s the schools
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Lib Dems condemn “chaotic and incompetent” budget
The sheer quantity of raw sewage being dumped into Britain’s rivers and coastal areas is a scandal and a disgrace.
Attempts by Surrey Tories to undermine the defence of the Green Belt have been blocked, in part by some of their own party who voted with Lib Dems and Environmentalists to strengthen opposition to Green Belt development in the South East Region.
Lib Dem Spokesman Peter Carroll has today urged local people to join the campaign to keep the services offered by the Royal Victoria Hospital here in Folkestone.
Crime and Anti-Social Behaviour have once again been big issues in my Postbag. There are a number of communities across Shepway who are suffering persistent and recurring anti-social behaviour. In some of the cases progress has been made. By working together, the Police, Council, Social Services and other agencies have focused a lot of attention of these cases. This is good news. However, in order to work properly, this 'multi-agency' working needs a lot of time and resources, particularly from the Police. My view is that the Police need more Officers who can be assigned to these types of situations so that more cases can get the attention they deserve.
The House of Commons Committee on Standards and Privileges today issued its report on a complaint from a member of the public that Anthony Steen M.P. had used public funds for the purposes of party political activity in his paper, Westmister Report' distributed throughout his Totnes Constituency.
In a letter dated Nov 9, the British Home Office has informed Gurkha Army Ex-Servicemen's Association (GAESO) that even the cases of soldiers discharged before 1997 would be considered on an individual basis.
Anne Lee said "The SEERA meeting, at the H G Wells Centre in Woking on 29th November, brought home to us how unaccountable this Quango is. It is a half-baked idea of devolution. Votes are cast by vested interests (eg the CBI and the National Housing Federation) and various county councillors. It is chaired by a Conservative County Councillor.