Breaking Britain returns, this time it’s the schools
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Why is so much of Britain’s infrastructure literally falling apart?
Lib Dems condemn “chaotic and incompetent” budget
The sheer quantity of raw sewage being dumped into Britain’s rivers and coastal areas is a scandal and a disgrace.
Lib Dem plans to free up council reserves for immediate use on front line services have been halted following a decision by members of the Borough Council Executive Committee.
Christine McHugh took her Mayoral campaign to De Montfort University last Friday to welcome new students at the Freshers Fair. Christine was supported by Matthew Green MP (Liberal Democrat, Ludlow), Youth & Students Spokesperson.
Watford's Lib Dem Mayor has publically backed Christine McHugh's campaign in Bedford. In her speech to Party Conference last week, Dorothy Thornhill encouraged others to visit Bedford to help as she has already done. Dorothy also slammed the system of executive Mayors. In her speech, Dorothy said:
Bedford Liberal Democrats have been awarded the Liberal Democrat Award for "Best Innovation 2002" for their website
Lembit Opik helped launch Christine McHugh's campaign and manifesto "The Best for Bedford" at her campaign launch on Monday. The Liberal Democrat candidate for Bedford Mayor launched her manifesto looking for real action for Bedford, with a core of pledges - The Three Zeros.
The Liberal Democrats will offically launch Christine McHugh's Campaign for Mayor on Monday. Lembit Opik MP for Montgomeryshire will speak at the Launch.